Welcome everybody! Here is our page about exhibitions in Lille. That is to say about nice events you can enjoy in this city!

~ by agathe02 on October 13, 2009.

5 Responses to “”

  1. Wonderfull ideas!
    By the way, i would like to tell that i discovered last spring this new place in Lille with different exhibitions, spaces, various art expressions, i mean Gare St Sauveur. I love this strange hall and imagine that you have been there allready…

  2. actually, I have never been there, but thanks to your enthousiasm about this place, you make me really want to visit this Gare Saint Sauveur. I hope I will have time for it during the “holidays”! by the way, I’ll tell you if its atmosphere makes me feel like you…!

  3. Hey guys (yes you can say “guys” even when you’re just talking to girls :P). So I’m sorry I haven’t been on your blog yet. I’m a little bit behind because I never had chance to add some of your addresses to my ‘Blog surfer’ section of wordpress.

    Great introduction, you’ve convinced me that you’re enthusiastic about this topic and that you want to discover the culture that surrounds you in Lille. I look forward to reading your recent posts about the fine art palace and the Gare St Sauveur. I’ve been to the Gare twice; once for the new monsters exhibition and once for a Woodstock tribute concert. Great stuff, definitely recommend it!

  4. hi david! yes we were looking forward to having your visit on our blog! 🙂
    the woodstock tribute concert sounds to be great! it’s a pity this is no current event anymore, we have missed it. How was it?

  5. it was amazing! I saw a slam band and a Jimi Hendrix tribute band. both were awesome, I’m not sure which one I preferred. The Slam guys were really passionate, but the JH-style guitarist was absolutely ripping! oh and of course it was free!

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